Friday, July 8, 2011

Walking barefoot.

Life is like walking barefoot on a path which had a different surface. At one part of the road there are grass that comfort your feet and sometimes gives you laughter as the soft grass tickles your sole. At another you just have to get across painful rocks and sometimes even step on broken glass to get on with your journey.

Then just one day you came and took my hand. That was the time
where the path i was walking on grew abundant soft grass and flowers along the side. I look forward to the feel of each and every step as my feet land upon the delicate soft grass. Each time i breath i would smell a sweet scent of flowers in the air.

My journey became much lighter as well as brighter. You would walk with me no matter it's on grass or on broken glass. You were there to walk with me and sometimes to carry me. The times you gave me assurance that you will walk with me till the very end faded when you left me walking on glass alone. Confused i fell down as the glass cuts my flesh. I waited for you to pick me up but you didn't come back. Slowly i crawled with a heart still hoping that you would come back and help me up and out of this pain.

Glass cut deeply into my skin I cried, prayed, hope... But you didn't come back. With all my heart and effort i got up, my knees bled and was wounded by the broken glass. I push myself to walk forward, to move on. Each step was painful as my feet presses into broken glass. Tears rolled down my cheeks as the glass enters my flesh but i continued till the point where my feet was numb by pain.

I continued to walk until there were no more glass at my sight. It has all cleared up by friends who passed by. I look at my scared knees. They are no longer bleeding and the wounds are healing. The pain has lessened but the scars still bothers me. Time helped me by healing my wounded feet slowly but it wouldn't remove the scars no matter how much i beg or do.

The scars remained.

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